
Hey everyone I hope you enjoy the poetry. There is going to be lots more so keep checking out the site.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Can a baseless building alone stand?
Or does it need support pillars to be grand?
When a marriage goes hither tither,
Do the spouses not need each other to make it better?
When one becomes lame and sway,
Is it not his crutches that help him on his way?
When the weak are not able,
Is it not the strong that will enable?
When the old become delicate and sway,
Is it not the young that should help them on their way?
When a friend is in need,
Is it not the support of his friend he will heed?
How can a tree grow in stature?
Unless its roots are connected to nature.
When earthling man cried out of need, of want, of fear,
Is it not our heavenly father that answers our prayer?
Support in itself is what you make it to be.
It is what saves humanity.
It is our symbiotic unity with one another,
It is dependency on our brother,
It is the lever that makes life easier.
The catalyst that yet unchanged makes things simpler.
And the sooner we realize support is an asset,
Is the quicker we will understand life works better as a duet.

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